Thursday, February 10, 2011

National Ag Day promotional video.

Hello folks!  Today I want to depart from the interviews for just a moment and show a video.  It's like those wonderful days in school, when the teacher didn't get the lesson plan together in time and you get to just watch.  I encourage you to take 5 minutes to watch this one, promoting National Ag Day, in March, on the first day of spring.  For two reasons:

1) I like thinking that spring is almost here.  My seed catalogs have all arrived, and I'm eagerly waiting for the ground to thaw;

2) The video does a nice job providing images and quotes that, I believe, reflect the diversity of agriculturalists in this country.  The attitude that I've generally felt amongst farmers and ranchers is not one of secrecy, but one of transparency.  It's increasingly obvious that consumers want to know details about their food production.  Supermarkets are all starting to put up signs featuring their growers, and government funding is coming down the line for increased food education in schools.

I would love to hear your comments, and your arguments.  Yes, there are a number of discrepancies in the industry, from labeling issues to complex safety standards.  It's a complex system, and I hope to be a part of the discussion.

Are there people whose opinions or views you'd like to hear?  We will do our best to seek them out and interview them, so ask your questions.  Enjoy the video!



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