First of all, thanks for reading this and taking an interest in our lives. Trav and I are into day two of this grand adventure and doing our level best to soak up every experience we come across. Read on to hear about these aforementioned experiences...
As it turns out, Trav has carpentry in his genes and I was born with a measuring tape in my hand! Put us together, add a utilitarian honda element to the mix, throw in a few pieces of lumber and a thirty inch hinge and stand back as the sawdust flies, the saws roar, and the screw guns rotate... turning our ordinary (yet lovely) honda element into a house on wheels. I may be exaggerating our talent slightly but we do have a functional wooden box and sleeping platform complete with storage underneath. We are very proud, and will post pictures as soon as we have them. (As an aside, we are still looking for a suitable name for our vehicle/house so please feel free if you have any ideas. Except for you mom, the joyce rolls royce is not an option!)
Trav and I rolled out of my mom and Rena's driveway with mom's delicious cookies in our clutches and we headed due north to Amherst, Mass to purchase a sweet portrait camera. As it turns out, the camera was actually in Lexington, Mass, so we consulted our atlas from the year 1995 and happily made our way toward Boston and the nikon. The scenery was idyllic, the hills were green and rolling, and we had cookies to sustain us.
Once we secured the camera we headed to downtown Lexington to explore and find something to counteract the cookie induced sugar shock we were experiencing. Perhaps you didn't know that 4/18 is Patriots Day (it's the Mass holiday connoting the first shot fired in the Revolutionary war, which happened to be in... Lexington) a fact that we happily stumbled upon in downtown Lexington. At midnight a faux Paul Revere rode through the town (we were asleep in the element in the Lexington public Library parking lot by then) and at 6 am there was a battle re-enactment complete with costumed redcoats, muskets, confused colonists and distraught ladies in period dress who tended the wounded colonists after the battle. The battle was on the town green and people were crowded all the way around it, many of them bringing ladders to make sure they'd be able to see the action. The history and the community's pride in their ancestors was fascinating and it was a beautiful sunrise. I still think violence is senseless, but I must admit I had a great time at the green. But you know what's better than a beautiful sunrise with the man you love watching a battle re-enactment on a green in Lexington? PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH! For a mere pittance Trav and I partook with our brothers and sisters in the Lord a heavenly stack of cakes topped with our lady of sweetness, Madame Butterworth! It was divine!
We waved goodbye to Lexington and rolled on up through New Hampshire to Ogunquit where we had homemade sandwiches on the coast. Tom's toothpaste outlet was closed so we continued up to Whitefield, Maine and immediately assisted Trav's farming friends with the construction of a herb spiral. Our hosts are lovely friends of trav's from Olympia, and conversations have been wonderful and dinner has been a collaboration of food loving cooks. Besides the herb spiral, Trav and I have done a little exploring of the area and helped dig some holes for plum trees and cleaned up the nearby bog a little. Tomorrow we are planning to help our host pick up some piglets for the farm and line up some interviews for the project. One of our housemates is a 7 toed cat who likes to sit up on our moon-roof as we contemplate sleep and stare down at us, or give herself a little bath. She's cute, but the peeping chicks that were just born yesterday and today cornered the market on cuteness. Just imagine 4 peeping balls of fluff, unsteady on their feet and toddling all over their sawdust home. We are thrilled to be here.
Thanks for making it to the end of my first entry. Trav and I will do our level best to keep you informed and entertained, and we'll put in more pictures next time. Love to everyone!
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